Meghan Markle needs to chill the F out and take a page from Kara Alloway’s new book

Kara Alloway, former reality TV star and soon-to-be RE:BOOKS author (when her debut novel Most Hated publishes next month!) has been featured a lot in the UK tabloids (with their over-the-top clickbait headlines—that I would know absolutely nothing about). Check out her “stark warning” to The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, on whether or not she should have a reality TV show. 

And if you’re looking for a story even juicier than the Meghan vs. Kate drama, pre-order Kara’s debut novel Most Hated today! It’s guaranteed to be THE beach read of summer 2023.

Pre-order Most Hated NOW!

P.S. Did I mention you should pre-order it now?


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